Mint SuTokens

Sumer Synthetic Assets

Using their supplied assets as collateral, users can mint SuTokens (Initially SuUSD, SuETH, SuBTC.) from Sumer’s mint function to be traded, farmed or spent across multiple chains.

Collateral Rate or LTV

Each SuToken carries Collateral Rates (i.e. Loan-to-Value ratio), which signify the amount available to be minted for each collateralized asset.

A Collateral Rate of 75% means that the users can only borrow up to 75% of the value of their collateralized assets.

Applicable Collateral Rates while minting SuTokens are;

Mint Rate

The maximum value of SuToken that can be minted when collateral and SuToken asset belong to the same homogeneous group

By design, The Mint Rate has the highest LTV for supplied assets (close to 1)

For e.g. Minting suETH by supplying ETH

Inter Collateral Rate or LTV

The maximum value of asset that can be borrowed or minted when collateral and borrowing asset belong to the different heterogeneous group

For e.g. Borrowing ETH by supplying USDC or Minting suETH by supplying USDT

Mint Limit

The Mint limit is yielded as the sum of locked collateral value, times the maximum LTV of collateral

Mints can be made until the user's liability reaches their position's Mint limit. One should observe that the Mint limit fluctuates with the oracle-reported deposit asset price.

Mint Fee

The protocol has the option to charge users' interest on minting while repaying the minted SuTokens.

The mint interest is set as 0% at the launch of the protocol.

Any changes to the mint interest will be made through the governance process.


At launch, Sumer has Timelock introduced for withdrawal of minted SuTokens.

Users cannot withdraw minted SuTokens within the same block in which the collateral is supplied.

Protocol Parameters

Key Protocol Parameter determined through the Governance process are;

  1. Intra SuLTV (Intramintratemantissa)

  2. Inter LTV (InterCratemantissa)

  3. Mint Limit (User)

Last updated

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