Sumer.Money: The Most Capital Efficient Blockchain Liquidity Infrastructure

Reimagining DeFI Lego - The foundation for simpler, more secure, and capital-efficient DeFI

Sumer is a blockchain liquidity infrastructure with efficiency and security as the top priorities. The following are the highlights of Sumer's protocol design.

  1. Efficient and innovative DeFi engine.

Support for correlated and uncorrelated assets within a single pool maximizes efficiency for lending and looping. The novel risk engine automatically adjusts LTV (Loan-to-Value) ratios based on users' liabilities and collaterals, optimizing capital efficiency without adding risks.

  1. Synthetic assets create money multiplier

Create synthetic suUSD, suETH and suBTC with the same lending deposit, enabling a travelers' check like experience for omni-chain DeFi and participation in new ecosystems while retaining native yields. Your assets do not have to leave their native chains while Su Tokens working hard for you across chains.

  1. Future high performance L1 on synthetic assets

Sumer’s unique Supernova core is a high performance EVM engine providing web2 level of experience in a highly decentralized network. The core will be contributed to the Cosmos SDK as a CometBFT alternative. This L1 provides additional utility and yield for synthetic assets, with the Sumer token serving as the PoS token for the blockchain.

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